To enrich your travel experiences, 'Mind. Body. Soul.' proudly presents our exclusive Spotify playlist. This specially curated selection is more than just a collection of conversations; it's a gateway to a world where travel meets wellness.

Featuring episodes from some of the world's top travel influencers and podcasters, our playlist offers a plethora of travel tips, wellness advice, and stories that make journeys more fulfilling.

Podcasters' Insights on Wellness and Travel

We understand that for frequent travellers, maintaining health, relaxation, and comfort is essential.

That's why we've partnered with seasoned podcasters to bring you a slice of their best travel wisdom:

  • In this episode of The Travel Diaries Podcast, Holly Rubenstein hosts the legendary Sir Michael Palin, known for his role in Monty Python and acclaimed travel documentaries. From "Around the World in 80 Days" to exploring the Sahara, Himalayas, and more, Sir Michael shares captivating travel diaries, including adventures in Saharan Africa and North Korea. Enjoy the journey with this iconic storyteller.
  • In this episode of Sophie: Obsessed With Feeling My Best, Sophie Collins sits down with her dear friends Katie and Taren of ALL Studio (formerly The House of A La Ligne), creators of the ALL Method. Combining Pilates, Qi Gong, Kinesiology, and strength training, they share their journeys to motherhood, the significance of supporting others, the power of breath, and the future of their company.
  • In this episode of Ärligt Tränat Podcast, Hilda Nilsson dives into the multifaceted realm of health, well-being, and healing within the context of employment. From insightful discussions on mental and physical health to navigating the challenges of a demanding work life, Hilda shares practical tips and strategies to foster a balanced and sustainable approach to well-being.
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  • In this episode of That’s So Us, the inseparable duo, Amanda Wan and Lauren Sarzosa, share intriguing insights into the lesser-known travel beliefs that add an enchanting layer to our collective understanding of the world.
  • In this episode of Destination Happiness, Sophie Tang and her lifelong best friend Ashleigh reminisce about their 2017 adventures in Australia and Bali, exploring how this 3-month trip became a catalyst for Ashleigh's extraordinary success as a commercial pilot. Fasten your seatbelts for a story of exploration, growth, and the endless possibilities that arise when stepping outside your comfort zone.
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Each episode in our playlist is a handpicked gem, offering unique insights into integrating wellness into your travel routine, ensuring your trips are as rejuvenating as they are memorable.

Be sure to revisit the Playlist often as we add more episodes frequently!

'Mind. Body. Soul.': A Wellness Odyssey for Travellers

At 'Mind. Body. Soul.', we believe that a simple wellness product or a mindful practice can profoundly transform your travel experience. It's more than a store; it's a holistic journey tailored for the modern traveler, a sanctuary of well-being amidst the hustle and bustle of airports.

Start Your Wellness Journey Now

We invite you to explore the 'Mind. Body. Soul.' experience even before visiting our stores. Dive into our Spotify playlist and let each episode guide you toward a more enriching, relaxing, and comfortable journey.

Spotify playlist here.

As you embark on your next trip, remember that travel isn't just about reaching destinations; it's about the journey itself. With Mind. Body. Soul. and our carefully selected podcasts, your journey promises to be more enriching, more relaxing, and decidedly more comfortable.

Where to Discover Mind. Body. Soul.:

Our stores are designed to be your wellness oases, where each product and service is thoughtfully chosen to elevate your travel experience.